Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ravenclaw Kitsuke part 1

Not sure how many Ravenclaws I'm going to do as I don't really have any bronze things, I have two other obi I will try, however they are a bit more on the orange side.

I have many blue kimono, its probably the dominate colour in my kimono wardrobe!
For this set I have chosen one of my newst kimono, bought off Shinei before they were suspended from ebay ( oh how I miss them, I know some people have problems but I never did. I can't seem to work their website so that's why I haven't continued to buy from them lol)

This kimono is very similar to another I own, probably why I bought it. The lining is really yucky, so (hopefully) when I finish my other sewing projects I'll reline it and widen it as its a bit to narrow to fit comfortably.

The obi is a hanhaba obi, totally wrong formality to have with a tsukesage so I dressed it up with obiage/obijime. I tied it in the karuta musubi, my first time doing so, I think it looks ok, its just very loose.
When I tried to tighten it the back part would start to fold up and look like a cho cho/butterfly musubi so I left it loose.

I also don't use any padding ( I should though, on my lower back mainly) so I usually have lots of puffy fabric    just above my bum, but today I must've done something different because it doesn't look too bad, I think.


1 comment:

mysli said...

*laugh* Very Ravenclaw, especially with the glasses!
And I love the bronze Hakata!