For some reason when I first got into kimono I didn't start with (or even like) yukata.
Which seems silly looking back on it cuz that would be the best place to start in this hobby.

I bought a couple of yukata for the upcoming summer season and a kimono bra to help smooth things out ;)
So I got a pretty wisteria yukata because wisteria is my all time favourite flower and a bright and colourful yukata with sakura motif.

If you've got a favourite musubi for yukata I'd love to hear them :)

I usually don't use any binding for kimono, a boob tube usually does the trick for flattening everything out nicely, but I've put on a little weight lately so I think I may need a kimono bra now to help smooth it all out, really hoping it will help, no matter how unattractive it looks.
So they should get here in a few weeks from Noppin, can't wait to dig in and try out my new goodies :)
Those are some very lovely yukata. I especially love the black one, so cute (^.^)
I have the same kimono-bra by the way, it's very soft and comfortable to wear.
i have a beautiful hikizuri, handpainted, embroidered in silver, possibly ro-it's either silk or rayon from somewhere between 1930's-1950's. your kimono collection is gorgeous. do you or anyone you can think of, have any interest in acquiring? would like it to go to someone who will appreciate it. i have pix from cell phone. it's a creme horizontal ribbed material w/florals & handpainted bottom silver border & on very long sleeves (36" long).
hi GrowlGrrl,
There are a few online kimono communities which you could get in contact with so members can view the kimono.
Or if you list it on ebay most kimono collectors will find it.
If you want you can email photos to my email: and I'll see if I can help.
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